lyrics: Ross
vocals: Dalrymple
drums/bass: Aynardi
guitar: Ross

If we had used synthesizers, this would have been a an homage to Joy Division. Using floaty minor-keyed and sadly wistfull synth melodies. But as it was, it was a quick and dirty punk song.

Living life with great intention
Going through this day by day
A legacy of dreams are shattered
On the sidewalk with you body

One more time down this road again
Seeing things that make you sorry
Close your eyes to the cold cruel world
Now you'll jump, you'll have no worry

Seeing all your good intention
Has really gone for nothing
When the time comes you will go
The roadside pavement sees you coming!

Lurking Fear - Songs in the Key of Lovecraft - © 1986-2003 Daniel Alan Ross & Recorporations Press
Original studio recording was produced at Ed Herrmann Studios, Columbia Missouri in July 1987. A CD archive was created at Olde West Studios, San Francisco in May 1998. MP3s on this site were taken from the CD.