lyrics: Dalrymple
vocals: Dalrymple
drums/bass: Aynardi
guitar: Ross

Sometimes I feel like a caged animal
Tortured and trapped within this viscous
Oppressive mess we call
Modern industrial civilization

I don't like feeling so alienated and alone
I've got to get the poison out
I have to find a cure for this disease
This place is driving me crazy
I've got to get out of here soon
There's a desperation and hunger inside me

I finish a hard night's work
Leaving the institution walls for the last time
Stepping outside into the shadows
I look up and see the darkened sky
Brilliantly illuminated by the moon

The moon is full and bright tonight
Shining down upon us with
All her beauty and power
There is magic in the air
Moonbeams penetrate my consciousness
and touch my very soul

The moon speaks to me
Suddenly it's all so clear
I need to transform, metamorphosis
Shed my old skin so that I can grow
And develop a new one
Get in touch with my primal urges

I want to run wild!
Ahhh, ha ha ha!
I don't need these clothes anymore
I'll just tear them off my body

Getting hairy, getting scary
I'm going to run naked through
the hills, forests, streams
I'm set loose!
I'm a savage beast! A monster man!
I am a werewolf!!!

I've got to make a change
Now I feel so strange
I'm gonna be a werewolf
Right Now!

Lurking Fear - Songs in the Key of Lovecraft - © 1986-2003 Daniel Alan Ross & Recorporations Press
Original studio recording was produced at Ed Herrmann Studios, Columbia Missouri in July 1987. A CD archive was created at Olde West Studios, San Francisco in May 1998. MP3s on this site were taken from the CD.